Open call for submissions for a limited time!
Are you a New Mexican artist, songwriter and/or musician? We're looking to fill our library up with locally sourced music!
We are seeking radio quality recordings that are "one-stop" or "easy clear" to add to our catalogue of songs for licensing in Film, Television and Ads.
All genres welcome. As 505 Songworks is a local agency dedicated to helping New Mexican musicians, you must be from New Mexico to submit.
How much does it cost to submit?
Nothing, Nada, zip, zero, it's free.
How much does it cost to be in 505 Songworks library if accepted?
Same as above, nothing, nada, zip, zero. We only take a minority cut of the licensing fee when we land a placement with your music.
Am I giving up any of my rights to my song?
Nope, not a bit! We take zero rights or publishing, the song remains leagally yours!
What's One Stop or Easy Clear?
One stop means that you have 100% rights to the song or that the other co-writers & stakeholders in the recording have agreed to give you the right to submit the song and sign it for sync placements. Easy Clear means that there are 2 stakeholders that need to give their consent.
Do you accept recorded demos?
No, unfortunately if it's not a radio ready quality recording, we can't use it.
What genres do you need?
Right now, all of them!
What happens after the deadline?
We close open submissions and resume only putting calls out to our e-mail list when we need something more specific. This is likely the last time we have such a wide open call for music.
Got a different question? e-mail us!